Cool things I've found wandering around the inter-web. #2 2016

19 September 2016

It's been a loooong time since I've shared my inter-web wanderings with you. Life's been too busy. So, here it is September and I'm only up to #2 for 2016. So, let's get to it. What have I found for you?

1. The best tiny house ever.

I have a bit of a soft spot for tiny houses, as you know. I like the concept of small space living and living with only what you need. This one seems to have everything I could ever want: indoor/outdoor space, lots of light, dishwasher, style. I just love it. Yes, you read correctly ... dishwasher.

Lots more amazing photos ...

2. A visual and aural feast of the Beach Boys "God only Knows."

If the Beach Boys bring back lovely memories, then view this. It's beautiful.

3. A home interior inspired by the colours of India.

India is high on my must-visit list. This home by Peter Wilds Designs is filled with the colours of India, yet exudes calm.

See lots more photos ...

While you're there be sure to look at his work on this 1961 Cruiser.

I'm sure I could spend more than a few days cruising ... if I was to be invited.

4. A vintage caravan transformation into a black and white paradise.

Most of you know that MLP and I are joining the caravan crowd very soon, so I've been searching for inspiration. I came across this beauty, not that ours will need transforming (It will be brand new.), but I do love the monochromatic style of this one.

Lots and lots more photos, including what the van looked like to start with ...

5. Vintage style jewellery to set your heart a flutter.

Who doesn't love a bit of vintage? I certainly do. This little brooch from Erstwilder now sits happily amongst my favourite things to wear.

Can't imagine why I selected this design?

But, if vintage caravans aren't your style, there's heaps more to choose from ...

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Finally, my sugar skull PJ pants I showed you how to make in my last blog post fitted the birthday girl 

aaanndd ... they're off on a holiday to South America very soon, lucky things.

Find my tutorial for how to make them here.

I'd love to see your photos if you make some.

So, what has taken your fancy from my Web Links #2?

Does a bit of vintage tug at your heart strings?

Are you an interior design lover, like me?

Have you made yourself some summer lounging PJ pants?
Have you taken amazing photos of them to share?

Catch up again soon,

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