To read Romantic fiction, or not to read Romantic fiction, that is the question -

23 May 2014

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous romance, Or to take arms against a sea of love stories, And by opposing end them? To read, to sleep- ...

A return visit to the hardware store.

16 May 2014

Last week I reached the end of my tether with my glossy black recycling bin. We have shared a friendship since the end of January … of late, a tenuous friendship … which finally hit crunch point on last bin day. Despite the beautiful sunset in the west. ...

Playing around with Washi tape.

9 May 2014

Not so long ago I had never heard of Washi tape. I had never crossed its path. I had never known its pleasure. But, being retired, and venturing into the realm of blogs, there was Washi tape. Everyone was using it and I felt hopelessly inadequate. Washi tape!?! I had no idea. ...

To Orange and beyond …

2 May 2014

MLP's and my musings last week about town names certainly created some profound thought.The neurons and synapses were all aflutter."Emerald," people said, "a town named after a colour."Ha! Yes!"What about Blacktown and Violet Town?" murmured others.MLP didn't think these made the cut because they had "town" attached. But sadly no further fruit towns emerge...

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