


9 September 2016

Bents Basin State Conservation Area, NSW: a day out with Number 3 and Flossy.

When Number 3, my brother's third daughter, comes for a short visit and it's Spring and the sky is clear, it's a good reason to take Flossy out for a drive ... with the roof down. A country drive. A drive to Bents Basin. A short drive, less than an hour from home, in the fresh air, sunshine and Spring-ness. 

Yes, Spring-ness. I'm sure it's a word ... and, if it's not, it should be.

You can feel it in the air, Spring-ness; It's warmer, sweeter, calmer. Anyway, it tempts us out of the house into the environment for a bit of communing. Communing with Spring-ness ... and nature.

So, off we cruised to Bents Basin. We hadn't explored there before and didn't know what it would hold.

What we found was a little bit of paradise. Picnic areas, swimming holes, bush walks and spring flowers blooming happily.



White correa.

Native peas.

These little native blooms flourished along our bush walk which was graded as "easy", primarily, I believe, because it was short, but not because of these.

Dainty maidenhair ferns would not have stood a chance if my Nanna had been with us.

A little specimen would have been secreted in her pocket. Always. National Park, Conservation Area, Nanna didn't mind. She'd find a piece that had "fallen onto the path, so I had to pick it up to rescue it." The dirt around the roots was a bit of a giveaway, even to us kids. She was naughty my Nanna, very naughty.

Luckily, I haven't inherited that section of the gene pool. The stealing-flora-from-National-Parks gene.

We wandered, climbed, along and up, through eucalypt forrest and past caves

to reach the lookout,

this view back down over the basin

and this cleverly camouflaged skink trying to warm his blood.

The picnic area at the beginning of our walk was abuzz. It was Father's Day. Dads and families were cooking up feasts.

Kookaburras were keeping keen eyes out for any dropped sausages.

These little people were having the best fun wrangling with a fallen branch they had found,

until dad came to tell them to put it down.

So, why is it called Bents Basin, I hear you ask.

Because of this ...

the basin, the pool.

We'd recently had a couple of days rain, so the water was flowing and brown, but I can imagine on a hot summer's day this would be the best family swimming pool ... ever. Swimming, canoeing, fishing and summer, the best combination.

And what about Number 3 and Flossy, the Fiat 500C, did they have a fine time?

Oh, yes, I think so. A very fine time.

Cruising with the top down. You have to do it. Why have a convertible if you don't?

If you'd like to read about other adventures I've had with Number 3 or in my local area, you can read them here, here, here and here.

Have you been to Bents Basin?
Or have you another secret destination for a bit of communing
that we need to know about?

Are you a top-down cruising in the Spring-ness type person?
Or just consumed by terrible jealousy?

Catch up again soon,

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