


18 August 2016

The Archibald Prize 2016: Come with my friend and me for a day out in town.

When a friend comes from Woolooga, Queensland to Vineyard, New South Wales, a trip of over a thousand kilometres, and says let's go to town and see the Archibald Prize Exhibition, it's time for a day out. A day of coffee and cake, a little shopping and a lot of culture.

I know you're now on Google maps looking up Woolooga and maybe even Vineyard. But, yes, they are real places where real people live and stay. My friends live and stay, in fact.

There's no better place to begin a day in town than at the Lindt Cafe, Martin Place, where it is compulsory to have amazing mochas, hot chocolates and decadent cake.

Look at that face pleading with me to put the camera down so the cake-ing, hot-chocolate-ing and mocha-ing can begin.

If you haven't been to the Lindt Cafe, it's a must-visit if you're in Sydney.

But the real purpose of our day was the Archibald Prize Exhibition at the State Gallery of New South Wales. So, here are my picks.

I'll let the artists talk about the paintings themselves. I'll add my own running commentary on the side ... of course.

This one caught my eye because it had a few of my favourite things ... cats, cows and pigs ... but for all the wrong reasons, not because they are cute and cuddly, but rather because they are exotic invaders of our environment. Oh well, I still liked the painting, so detailed.

Loved the bright colours and obvious personality of the model in this.

I love fabric, need I say more?

It has, at times, been suggested ... implied ... hinted ... to me that I am too old to have long hair, grey long hair, hence my connection with this portrait. If Roslyn can have long hair, so can I.

Garry MacDonald and his struggle captured so well.

I like this one because it's painted on plywood. Provides an interesting texture and background.

This painting made me a little sad. How hard does it have to be to fit in to our society? Is it really necessary to Anglicise your name?

The Packing Room Prize winner. I like the touch of green here and there.

And the winner.

Did you see the sparkle over his left eye? Dame Edna peeking through?

But my pick is this.

So real. Almost like he could step down off the wall.

Recently, when I visited the Frida Kahlo Exhibition (here), I showed some of the Junior Archibald Exhibits. Thought you might like to see some more.

Some young artists are sooo talented.

And others steal my heart.

There must be some very proud parents of these young artists.

And, an opportunity for a reflective selfie must never be passed up.

I hope you enjoyed your day out in town with Carmel and me.

Which painting was your favourite?

Are you, like me, totally hopeless at art and so admiring of the talent to produce these pieces?

Did the Junior Archibald pieces steal your heart?

Catch up again soon.

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