In the world of make up, I would be classed as a minimalist. I've tried being one of those artistic make up people who use lots of fancy schmancy products that enable them to change the way their face looks, but I've had no success. None. Zilch. So, these days my make up regime is very simple. A bit of foundation, sometimes a bit of powder, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, sometimes a bit of blush and, on the rarest of occasions, eye shadow. So, what is my bathroom drawer doing holding all this "stuff' that I never use? And surely there is a better way to store the little make up that I do use? Hence, my epiphany and my make up organiser was born.
Rain is predicted. Heavy rain ... and strong winds. A rather large storm cell, in fact, and we are booked into the city for the night to tour the sights of Vivid Sydney 2016. A night in town. A dinner out. And Vivid. Perfect ... except for the rain.
I'm in trouble. Serious trouble. Trouble with a CAPITAL "T" ... apparently. I don't get in trouble very often, so this is a new and not all that wonderful experience for me. So, I suppose I need to explain my plight.