My little collection of garden pots has been looking very tragic for quite some time. Their Nanna flowers have lived long past their use by date. It was one of those annoying jobs that just kept staring at me saying, "Me next? Me next … please." But the sewing machine called and this little job went further down the queue, until this week.
Who doesn't love a little inter-web wandering? There's so much amazingness out there in cyber space just waiting to be discovered, just waiting to make us drool, dream and be dazzled. So, what have I found for you to begin 2016?
Fitbit joined my life, our lives, after the red-coated-reindeer-led-bearded-one left his deliveries under our Christmas tree last year. One Fitbit for me, one Fitbit for MLP and … our lives changed, our language changed, our fitness changed.