


9 October 2015

Yoga in Ubud for a week? … Oooommmm …Yes, please.

My sister, the older and wiser one, didn't have to ask more than once. And so the journey began … to Bali, Ubud to be specific … to retreat, to Casa Luna Honeymoon Guesthouses to be specific … and yoga, TriYoga with Dagmar Hirsch to be specific … for a week … and then relax and shop for a few more days. 

What does one do on a yoga retreat? I really wasn't sure.

Yoga, of course, but how often? How difficult? Would I, the on-again-off-again yoga-ite, cope?

The answers: everyday, sometimes twice a day; as easy or as difficult as I wanted it to be; yes, I would … did … and my body loved it.

We stayed here.

Sleeping in beds like these.

No, I didn't have to share my bed with the older and wiser one.

We made good room sharing companions. She snores and I'm deaf; so sharing was sweet.

The view from the loo was … ahhhh.

We rose every day before the sun.

And, blessed by our little oversee-er,

we yoga-ed.

TriYoga-ed with Dagmar who made every movement sound and look so easy.

She demonstrated.

And we produced our version.

She demonstrated some more.

And, again, we produced the version we could manage.

One day … the wheel will be ours.

Some were more flexible

Some made it into head stand and crow. Others … one day crow will be ours … and head stand … and wheel. One day ...

After yoga, we ate delicious, yummy breakfasts.

And then ventured forth to workshops where we were greeted with fragrant frangipanis.

Did I mention the older and wiser one?

And my pineapple loving friend?

This patient man tried to teach half of us to use extremely sharp knives to carve watermelon into magnificent flowers. Not a finger was lost.

And this equally patient woman tried to teach the rest of us to use bamboo pins to make offering baskets. Oh, for a stapler.

Our results were stunning. Our time management … not so good.

On other days, we learned about Ayurvedic food and cooking. Of course, we had to eat the outcomes.

We attended the temple of High Priestess Marharishi Ida Resi Alit for a water purification ceremony.

Yes, the water was cold and unrelenting as it poured … and poured … and poured over us.

The High Priestess amidst our refreshed and invigorated group.

On our last evening of the retreat, we travelled to the rice fields for dinner and to display our amazing yoga skills to the much bemused restaurant diners.

A few drinks amongst new friends,

and, Dagmar, our leader, a face radiant from a mindful life.

Thanks Dagmar.
Thanks everyone.
Thanks to the older and wiser one for asking me.

Would I go again?
Most definitely

What did I enjoy most?
The yoga … much to my surprise. Loved the Tibetan prostration. Still doing it at home.

Now to get seriously into yoga at home. Unfortunately there's no TriYoga instructor near where I live. 

Have you been on a retreat?
A yoga retreat?
An anything retreat?

Have you tried TriYoga?

Have you been to Bali too?
(Go on, click the pink link and sing along.)

And, yes, there's heaps more from my little Bali sojourn to come next week.