


17 February 2015

Some cool places I've been this week on the inter-web.

I thought I'd start to share with you, maybe twice a month, some of the weird and wonderful stuff I find on the weird and wonderful web, known by some as www. Who knows, you might think these random inter-web links are interesting too.

1. This little grain silo house is amazing. And they have a cat, so they must be nice people as well.

2. If you follow me on Facebook (go on "like" my page while you're there), then you've probably seen this cat swimming, but it's definitely worth a second, third and fourth look. He's so cute.

3. I think I've fallen in love with the tiny house movement. This Heirloom Tiny House is not only tiny, but mobile as well. Love it.

You can read a little bit more about it and its developers here.

4. Have you found Kate and Kate from The Katering Show? They're tongue-in-cheek, a little bit crass, totally politically incorrect and very amusing. This episode gave me a bit of a giggle. They'll not be everyone's cup of tea, but I like their style.

5. My friend, Robyn, has just started a blog, Healthy Gold Coast, where she is investigating healthy places to eat on the Gold Coast. It's a difficult gig, but she'll do it justice. So, it would be great if you could wander over and have a read of her first post.

That's her on the right with that cheeky winner-winner grin, in case you were confused.

And, finally, for this week, not from the inter-web, a photo of flannel flowers that I took recently and quite like.

I hope you enjoyed trawling around the inter-web with me.

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Simples, as the meerkat would say.