


18 November 2014

Photography … a few snaps from this week.

I continue to keep snapping away to see how this camera really works. This week I've been using my new set up, which you can read about here, and trying to learn what I can do in this mode. So, here are my happy snaps and an interesting photography link from this week.

The skies have been clear and cerulean so I took a mass of photos like this.

 I got lots of weird looks from passers-by, but what the heck, couldn't they see that sky!?!

Then I played around with this new set up in the dark with my Asian style lamp.

The shutter speed was slow and I had to keep VERY still, but I liked what the camera saw.

No passers-by thinking, "Who is that crazy woman?" Well, not that I could see. It was dark and the blinds were down.

And I also played with my favourite model. Sometimes he was unaware.

He doesn't think I'm weird or crazy. He has to love me; I am the provider of food and cuddles.

I'm finding I need to get used to the camera setting its own shutter speed, but the outcomes so far are pretty good, I think.

And an interesting link I found this week about macro filters from This is one blog where I am finding lots of useful photography tips. Hope you gain some ideas from it too.

I might need to add some macro filters to my Christmas list.