26 August 2014
22 August 2014
Final travel preparations. Woo hoo!
Today marks seven days to go. Well, six in reality, as this time next week we'll be in the air. That means next Friday, no blog post. In fact, probably no blog post for a wee while. I do hope to do some posting while I'm away, but … well … given the choice of exploring a foreign city, sipping wine, nibbling on tasty morsels, seeing splendid sights or sitting at a computer, I know which will win. So, keep watching Instagram and Facebook for snippets when I do have internet and my regular blog posts will resume when I am home again.
So, where am I at after last week's little SIPA revelation?
Progress has been made. Reader tips have been put into action. Clothes packing has not begun … yet … but, I've been thinking. The mind has been sorting through what will be taken, what won't be needed, what is still a maybe. Some further purchases have been made.
Remember my concern about the crochet hook and scissors? Well, I had a thought, children's scissors. Their ends are rounded. They are less than four inches long, apparently that's the magic measurement. And they cut.
So, off I went to Big W in search of children's scissors and found these little cuties. Mr green bunny rabbit scissors.
19 August 2014
Photography … up close.
15 August 2014
Packing anxiety.
I have a disorder which sends me into a frenzy each time I have to pack for a trip. I'm sure it's not a medically recognised disorder. There's probably no such thing as SIPA, Suitcase Induced Panic Attacks. But, if there were such a diagnosis, I'm sure I have it. At the most severe end of its scale.
It's not my suitcase that's the problem. I love my Mickey Mouse companion and he always creates conversation at the bag drop point and baggage carousel. It's the packing of Mickey that sends the stomach into little conniption fits.
12 August 2014
Photography … black and white.
I love black and white photographs. I think it's something to do with the effect looking a little vintage-y. I like the contrasts created. The play of light and dark. And I think black and white photography makes great wall art.
I'm a black and white kind of person. Many of my clothes are black and white, with a little grey. My bedroom linen is predominantly black, white and grey. Colour slips in every now and then, but my eyes are drawn to black and white.
So, I thought I'd play around a bit with some of my photos to see what I could achieve.
I love palm trees and never tire of the patterns they produce. Hence, I had a few palm tree photos to choose from.
This shot was taken at Airlie Beach, Queensland.
8 August 2014
Playing around with rope
… but not skipping.
Of late, in my travels, I've noticed little rope vessels popping up in the most amazing stores. And, as is my habit, I kept thinking they would be fun to make.
Japanese garden wanderings.
When you tour a Japanese garden led by a wonderful 20 year old dog, your wanderings are slow and considered, but that's how the Japanese would want it, I think. Slow, considered, restful, quiet, peaceful, relaxing. Yes, definitely the right way to wander.
5 August 2014
St Albans, a Sunday drive to remember.
St Albans, a tiny village on the edge of the Macdonald River west of Sydney, is charming and steeped in history.
When my pineapple-loving-friend, Linda, was visiting, we did the Sunday drive. I had been told by a couple of people that St Albans was worth a visit, but had no concept of why. So, we took a punt and headed off.
The road follows the curves of the river and the ferry glides us across to the opposite bank.
I love ferry rides. They seem part of another era, slower, simpler. The river has more impact from a ferry. The car and the ferry become one as we slide through the river's pull.
Our plan is to lunch at St Albans in the Settlers' Arms Inn, convict built in 1836. Again we don't know what to expect. We hope it will be open and that the food will be a treat.
On the winding road we are accompanied by motor bike riders and veteran cars. A good omen. They usually know where there is a special Sunday meal. Like a disjointed caterpillar, we all head in the one direction. Winding around the river's bends. Eyeing off houses perched above the flood line and animals languishing in the autumn sun.
St Albans does not disappoint. It is beautiful.
The Settlers Arms Inn.
1 August 2014
Koalas guarding the north against invasion.
Overlooking the Coral Sea resides a colony of highly dedicated koalas scanning the seas for foreign invaders. Ever watchful. Ever vigilant. Well, maybe not. They sleep around 22 hours a day ... but, in those two waking hours, they have an important job.
Snuggled in the trees on the Forts Walk on Magnetic Island, they have usurped the role of guardians of Australia's northern waters from those who spent their time here during World War 11.
Today, tourists, our birthday celebration crew, families and European backpackers included, walk, climb, trudge, puff, sweat their way to the Forts to take in the view the soldiers surveyed and to hopefully meet at least one elusive koala.