


27 June 2014

Art Gallery Gazing.

When my artist cousin, Maria, comes to visit, where would we find ourselves but at the galleries. The local Penrith Regional Gallery and the State Gallery of NSW, two places which could not be more different. Each beautiful in its own way. Each inspiring. 

24 June 2014

Trying to capture movement..

I'm attempting to learn to use my DSLR camera in manual mode. There are some successes and some failures, but it's been fun.

Last week, in the city, I did some playing with the shutter speed just to see what I could manage without a tripod.

The fountain in Hyde Park. Take 1.

20 June 2014

I've been to Yackandandah!

Yes, I know. You're jealous. Green, green, green with envy. I know it's your dream and I can hear you saying, "No, you haven't!" But, I have. I really truly have.

13 June 2014

Legacy of a friendship.

Last week I lost a wonderful friend. A friend who taught me a lot about life. A friend who was old enough to be my mother. She was the mother of the most amazing woman who was later to become my nearest and dearest friend. It's strange how life takes unexpected turns.

6 June 2014

A visit to the wet tropics.

Yes, even though it's autumn and the rains should have finished over Easter, it's STILL the wet tropics. Raining on and off. Drizzly bits, then sunshine, then heavy downpours. The air is damp, but not that summery-humid-claustrophobic-wet, just damp. You know the towel's-never-dry type damp.